Tuesday, September 29, 2009

World Elders Day & Gandhiji's Birthday

The World Elders Day will be observed tomorrow (1.10.09) followed by Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary the next day (2.10.09). Mohandas Gandhi was born on 2.10.1869 and assassinated on 31.1.1948 at the age of 78.

World Elders Day
October 1, 2009
Tomorrow at Omashram we shall be observing the World Elders Day. We now have 35 lonely and isolated souls as residents. Volunteers, well-wishers, donors drop in often and spend time with them and chat with them. Events like Independence Day, X’mas, Independence Day, Birthdays, etc. are organised by volunteers and donors. A number of kind-hearted donors have been hosting lunches for the residents on the day of the donor’s choice and spend a good deal of time with the residents And all this helps a great deal in alleviating their feeling of isolation and loneliness. Today, it is sad to see that this day which ought to have been celebrated at home is celebrated more outside in old age and destitute homes. The reason: today there is an increasing impatience among young men and women and this has forced many elders, willingly or unwillingly, to move into homes for the aged.
Psychiatrists believe that fulfilling the physical, psychological and emotional needs of elders is the key to keep them healthy and happy. Intentional or unintentional neglect, impudence and maltreatment inside the families and in the society often lead to high levels of stress among elders. This in turn could lead to various physical ailments, psychological and emotional disorders and even cause death in some cases.
Elders are like children with their mood swings, sometimes too quickly not allowing us enough time to grasp. Elders need attention at homes and if we don’t give it, they start demanding it. When the elders begin to feel they are neglected, they adopt ways to attract attention from us and at times irritating. Mental agitation, restlessness, falling sick often, nausea, vomiting and even suicide attempts could be just reactions to this neglect by family members. Immediate medical care, physical and psychological alone may not be enough. We need to spend some quality time with them showing genuine concern. They deserve love care and respect for the simple reason that they brought you up with a load of problems and sacrifice.
To understand the plight of the elderly in India today please read my document “The Elderly”. Kindly log on to:
Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday
October 2, 2009
“I have nothing to teach the world. Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills”
- Mohandas Gandhi
The Elder that was...
Passages from ‘Introduction’ to “An Autobiography OR The Story of my experiments with truth” (1925)
...My experience in the political field are now known, not only in India, but to a certain extent to the ‘civilized’ world. For me , they have not much value, and the title of Mahatma that they have won for me has, therefore, even less. Often the title has deeply pained me; and there is not a moment I can recall when it may be said to have tickled me. But I should certainly like to narrate my experiments in the spiritual field which are known only to myself, and from which I have derived such powers as I possess for working in the political field. If the experiments are really spiritual, then there can be no room for self-praise. They can only add to my humility. The more I reflect and look back on the past, the more vividly do I feel my limitations...
...But for me, truth is the sovereign principle, which includes numerous other principles. This truth is not only truthfulness in the world, but truthfulness in thought also, and not only the relative truth of our conception, but the Absolute Truth, the Eternal principle, that is God...
...In judging myself I shall try to be as harsh as truth, as I want others also to be. Measuring myself by that standard I must exclaim Surdas:
Where is there a wretch
So wicked and loathsome as I ?
I have forsaken my Maker;
So faithless have I been.
For it is an unbroken torture to me that I am still so far from Him, who, as I fully know, governs every breath of my life, and whose offspring I am...

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